
Aug 28, 20217 min

Recipe And Foods To Create A Powerful Immune System & Beautiful Skin

Updated: Sep 15, 2021

Create a Powerful Immune System

Poor nutrition, excessive stress, food and environmental toxins contributes to a weakened immune system. A depressed immune system is the primary cause of many illnesses. Nutrition ridding the body of harmful microorganisms helps in relieving stress on the body and promotes beautiful skin. Find out your stress type, root cause, and how to manage stress in Master Class.

Organs of the Immune System:

Tonsils and adenoids are lymphatic tissue that builds long defense against germs in the respiratory tract.

Thymus gland is the primary central gland of the lymphatic system. The thymus gland, located behind the breast bone, produces T cells.

T cells control the immune system response that is associated with inflammation. Free radicals damage DNA and electrons (electromagnetic energy of the nervous system). It also shrinks the size of the thymus gland drastically reducing the effectiveness of the thymus glands’ role in the immune system.

Appendix is a lymphoid organ that opens into the first part of the large intestine. It manufactures hormones and other body chemicals, which are involved in B lymphocytes' (a type of white blood cell needed to fight infection) maturation. The appendix is affected by improper diet.

Lymph nodes (lymphatic system) are small oval structures that filter the lymph fluid and fight infection. In the lymph nodes are white blood cells (lymphocytes, monocytes) and plasma cells are formed.

The spleen is considered part of the lymphatic system. It is located between the stomach and the diaphragm. It destroys microorganisms by phagocytosis (engulfing). The spleen produces white blood cells and plasma cells. The spleen filters the blood, and removes old blood cells that need replacing.

Bone marrow is another component of the immune system. It produces new white blood cells (WBC fights infection), platelets (clot blood), B cells (precursor of plasma blood cell), killer T cells (immune response), granulocytes (prevent infection) and thymocytes (cells of the thymus gland). All the cells of the immune system come originally from the bone marrow.

Free-radicals reduces the effectiveness of the immune system, and also over burdens the pancreas. Free radicals damage the DNA and the electromagnet charge (electrons) of the cells, thus causing mutation of the cell. The body now see this mutated cell as foreign and attacks it.

Free radicals are associated with high intake of animal fats, denatured and devitalized foods (junk food), drugs or other harmful chemicals. These shrink the size of the thymus gland, which drastically reducing the effectiveness of its role in the immune system. Thymus gland is the primary central gland of the lymphatic system, and it produces T cells as mentioned earlier.

Lymphatic system Cleanse

The lymph vessels, nodes, thymus gland, tonsils and spleen can show signs that the lymph needs a cleanse. Signs are as followed: tired (indicate liver exhaustion), pale skin, extremely thin body, memory failing noticeably, and low immune response with frequent colds. Revitalizing lymph cleanse can make a difference. If the body looks uncharacteristically soft and spongy, or has newly noticeable cellulite, this indicates too many saturated fats and sugar.

Nutrition for the lymphatic system

Consult health care professional before diet change. Preparation is also needed to prevent toxins in the colon from being reabsorbed back into the blood stream. This could contribute skin breakouts and the spread of infection.

Eight glasses of bottle water daily during your cleanse helps to also clear the skin.

Spicy foods boost sluggish lymph system and cut mucous congestion. Foods like:

natural salsas

cayenne pepper

horse radish


Fresh lemon juice in drinking water taken upon rising is used for lymph revitalization. (Lemon juice also has blood thinning properties. Monitor for signs of bleeding.)

Mixed vegetable juice:

juice a handful of parsley

1 garlic clove

5 carrots

3 celery stalks

2 table spoon green super food

(Green super food can be purchased in health food store.)

Herbs that cleanse the liver and lymph: sage, astragalus, echinacea root, Oregon grape root and dandelion root. (Herbs have action and may have side effects. Contact your health care professional before using herbs.)

Mineral electrolytes soup:

3-4 carrots

3 celery stalks

½ bunch parsley

½ head cabbage

1 onion

½ bunch broccoli

Avoid: Caffeine, sugar, dairy foods, alcoholic drinks. These contribute to lymphatic stagnation, so avoid them during your cleanse.

Nutrition for a healthy immune system

Consult health care professional before diet change. Preparation also needed for the prevention of toxins in the colon from being reabsorbed back into the blood stream. This could contribute to spread of infection.

Vitamin C with bioflavonoids helps promote production of antiviral protein interferon. Vitamin C with bioflavonoids is an immune stimulant, an antioxidant and is needed for stress-hormone production (pituitary- adrenal cortical response).

Consult your health care professional as to the use of the buffered ascorbic acid Vitamin C or an esterified form of vitamin C plus Bioflavonoids. Vitamin C with bioflavonoids also support anti-inflammation process. It is helpful in autoimmune diseases as arthritis and cancer.

Antioxidants neutralizes free- radicals by binding to their free electrons. Antioxidant opposes the oxidizers (free radicals that take up electron and damage DNA).

Antioxidants sources are:

Hormone as melatonin

Enzymes such as dismutase and Glutathione peroxidase

Vitamins as:


Bata carotene

Bilberry (antioxidant helps protect against cancer.)

Blueberry (Bilberry is European cousin is the blueberry.)

Sarsaparilla root (used as tea to help get rid of chemical waste)

Bizzy (cola nut) is also used as tea to help get rid of chemical waste.


Vitamin E (monitor blood pressure) rids the body of toxic substances when combined with vitamin C and Selenium.

Vitamin B complex is especially important in stress management.

Fresh lemon (juice ½ lemon in a cup of water once daily) or as indicated by health care professional.

It helps to remove uric acid, toxins, and inorganic calcium, promoting a more alkaline body environment. This also cleanse the liver and acts as an anticoagulant that thins the blood. Monitor for signs of bleeding.

Lemons also have an abundance of vitamin C. As an antiseptic, lemon can be applied to wounds as infection prevention.

Potassium helps to balance chemical imbalance in the body. It helps to prevent constipation, helps tissue retain elasticity, helps to stimulate liver function and promote energy. Some food sources of potassium are:











Sea plants



Citrus fruits

Sulfur purify, and tones. It promotes bile release (secretion). A lack of sulfur prevents liver function, which results in the stay of impurities in the blood. Some food sources are:






Sea vegetables

Selenium (is of the sulfur family)

Bromelain acts as an anti-inflammatory.

It is found in fresh pineapple.

Grape vine used as a tea helps to remove chemical waste especially from the breathing passage.

Ginger bath helps to release toxins via the skin and is good for circulation as it warms and moves the blood.

Garlic detoxifies and helps to heal, helps to lower blood pressure.

Food that supports the immune system indicated below.





Histidine is an amino acid found in many proteins. It is a precursor of histamine, which aids in sexual arousal. Histidine is good for removing excess metals from the body. Natural sources of histidine include:




food sources of fiber:



Flax seed


Rice bran

Herbs for a healthy immune system

Consult your health care professional before using herbs. Herbs have action and possibly side effects.

Burdock root and red clover aids in cleansing the lymphatic glands and

ridding the body of toxins. They have diuretic properties, so eat banana daily to help maintain potassium level, as potassium is lost with water.

Poke root is used for enlargements of the glands, spleen, particularly the thyroid gland, hard liver, biliousness, inflammation of the kidneys, enlarged lymphatic glands, and goiter.

(caution: the fresh or insufficiently cooked plant is poisonous).

Licorice root acts as an anti-inflammatory as it detoxifies, and aids the immune system.

Caution: Avoid licorice root if you have high blood pressure. Maintain

potassium level while on licorice root, and do not use for more than seven days.

Nettle leaf is anti-inflammatory

Detoxify and nurture

Cascara Sagrada Caution: (must be dried and stored for about one year before use; it is too toxic before this time)

Oregon grape


Prickly ash bark

Buckthorn bark (detoxify and nurture)

Immune Support Herbs are:

Panax ginseng



Siberian ginseng

Goldenseal (Caution, goldenseal should not be taken for more than one week at a time.)




Pau d’arco


Red marine algae


Olive leaf extract (an anti-infection agent.)

Tea tree (has decongestant, antiviral and antibacterial properties.)

Oregano oil (has antiviral and antibacterial properties that help to eradicate lung infection, thin mucus, and stop excessive mucus secretion.)



Food sources are:

Whole wheat





Brown rice

Wheat germ


Baked potato

Low fat whole grain chips and crackers

Whole wheat pasta and noodles

Air-popped popcorn

Foods to avoid are white breads or white crackers, refined or sugared cereals. Fried potatoes, potato chip, corn chips, buttered popcorn, cakes, cookies, donuts, refined flour pasta and noodles.


Kidney beans

Pinto beans


All beans


All nuts


Nut butter

Foods to avoid: peanut butter with added oil and sugar.

VEGETABLES: A serving of vegetable equals 6 ounces juice. A minimum of 8 glasses of fluid should be consumed every day.

all fresh, raw or lightly steamed vegetables and its juices, with emphasis on: Cabbage






Food to avoid: canned vegetables, canned or bottled vegetable juice, fried vegetables.

FRUITS: A serving of fruits equals 6 ounces juice. A minimum of 8 glass of fluids should be consumed every day.

Food source are all fresh fruits or juices, with emphasis on:





Fruits to avoid are:


Sweetened fruits


Frozen juices

MILK products:

Low fat dairy

Skimmed, nonfat yogurt as desired

Foods to avoid are:

Whole milk

Sweetened yogurt

Ice cream

Sour cream

CHEESE (low or nonfat, real non-process)

MEAT: Allow 48hours to digest one meal with meat.

Food source:

Skinless poultry (caution)

Fish (with emphasis on cold water fatty fish such as mackerel and salmon)


Cold pressed canola oil

High-oleic safflower oil

Olive oil (extra-virgin)

Flaxseed oil

Dressings and mayonnaise made with the same

Coconut oil (contains a complete set of medium-chained fatty acids and other nutrients which are associated with many health benefits).

Avoid margarine, shortening, tropical oils, nondairy creamers, and all animal fat.

Recipe for nutritional support


5 Carrots

3 Celery stalks (limit if on low salt diet)

1 Garlic clove

A handful of parsley

Fruit Smoothie Blend

1 cup strawberries

1cup raspberries

1 cup blueberries

1 cup coconut milk

1 cup orange juice

Honey (optional)

Chill all ingredients before using. Blend all ingredients in a blender until smooth. To thicken the smoothie, put it into the freezer for 45 minutes before serving. For a sweeter smoothie, add a little honey or other sweeteners.

Coconut Banana Bread

½ cup melted coconut oil

1 cup sugar

8 ½ ounce crushed pineapple with juice

2 eggs

1 ripe banana, mashed

2 cups flour

½ cup unsweetened shredded coconut

1 teaspoon baking powder

½ teaspoon baking soda

½ teaspoon salt

Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Grease and flour a 9-by-5-inch loaf pan. Stir together melted coconut oil (not hot) and sugar. Mix in pineapple with its juice, eggs, and banana. Add flour, shredded coconut, baking powder, baking soda, and salt. Pour batter into prepared pan. Bake about 60 minutes, or until knife inserted in the center comes out clean. Slices. Loaf can be cut into about sixteen ½-inch Contains ½ tablespoon coconut oil per slice.

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