First: Prepare for Your Life Upliftment.
· Begin to practice breath observation for five minutes every day.
· Buy flowers to keep in home, where you can have joy in them (if desired). . Start clearing out clutter.
Second: Prepare for Your Diet Cleanse
· Clear out your pantry and refrigerator of unhealthy foods. Smell food. Stale fats are extremely unhealthy. Rancid (oxidized) fats damage DNA (genetic content of the cell); this can be detected by the nose.
· The preferred oil to use is olive oil. It contains mostly monounsaturated fats, which is much better for our body to process than polyunsaturated or saturated fats. Use low fat - no fried food diet, and eat smaller portion size. Maintain hydration, especially first thing in the morning to flush colon.
The Focus of our program is to Cleanse, Repair, and Rebuild
To prepare for your cleansing diet:
1) Increase your consumption of fruits and vegetables.
2) Maintain vitamins, minerals, fiber, and natural sugar.
Natural sugar is less stressful on the pancreas than table sugar. The pancreas is a gland that responds to stress, and also affected by diabetes.
Vegetables are low in fat and calories, high in fiber, and full of healthy protective factors. Organic agriculture is said to be free of pesticides sprays and chemicals.
Our focus is not so much on cutting calories, although you will learn in this Program how to stay within the amount of calories for your desired weight. Our main focus is to cleanse, repair, and rebuild mind body and spirit.
For the goal of weight loss the pounds will melt off, as you identify the amount of weight you desire to lose, and follow the steps in this Program to losing it safely.
You will increase your inner power, and confidence. New habits create new results. New results create a new lifestyle of great health. But, success is paved with new habits. We work with you to achieve your goal. Are you ready to work with us? If you are, click the link below, and let's get started.