What Is High Blood Pressure?
Imagine blowing up a balloon. The pressure inside the balloon keeps increasing as you blow into it. So does the pressure inside the blood vessel. When the heart pumps blood through the arteries, the blood presses against the wall of the blood vessels causing pressure. In hypertension (HTN) this pressure is abnormally high. Factors that affect blood pressure are output of blood from the heart, resistance to blood flow in the blood vessels, blood distribution to the organs, activities of the nervous system, and hormone.
What Can Hypertension Lead To?
Hypertension can lead to kidney failure, and stroke. It is associated with coronary heart disease, arteriosclerosis, kidney disorder, obesity, diabetes, hyperthyroidism, and adrenal tumor.
What Are the Warning Signs of Advanced Hypertension?
Warning signs associated with advanced HTN may include headaches, sweating, rapid pulse, shortness of breath, tiredness, visual disturbances. There are no early symptoms. This is why it known as the silent killer.
What Is Primary Hypertension?
Primary hypertension is elevated blood pressure that is not due to an underlying disease. Cause is unknown, but risk factors that can be identified includes unexpressed rage, cigarette smoking, stress, obesity, excessive use of stimulants (as coffee or tea), drug abuse, high sodium intake and family history of hypertension.
What Is Secondary Hypertension?
Secondary HTN is when persistently elevated blood pressure arises as a result of another underlying health problem such as: hormonal abnormality or inherited narrowing of the aorta blood vessel; blood vessels that are chronically constricted or have lost elasticity from buildup of fatty plaque on the inside wall of the blood vessel causing hardening (atherosclerosis); arteriosclerosis (narrowing in blood vessel); poor kidney function leading to retention of sodium and fluid in the body.
What is Malignant Hypertension?
Malignant hypertension is characterized by extremely high blood pressure (diastolic pressure greater than 120mmHg), which develops very quickly and results in organ damage usually seen in the kidneys or the eyes. There are other symptoms as blurred vision, chest pain, or difficulty breathing. This is a medical emergency to be treated in the hospital.
What Are Known Causes of Hypertension?
Know causes of hypertension are: adrenal gland disorder (which can lead to diabetes, cancer, nutrition deficiencies, and much more), tumor, pronounced hyperthyroidism, physical and emotional stress, inflammation of the kidneys, vascular disease, kidney disease, medication glucocorticoids, birth control, MAOIs used in treating depression, and illegal drugs as cocaine.
What Should Diet Include?
Diet should include plenty of fruits and vegetables. Include fresh juices of beet, carrot, currant, cranberry, citrus fruit, parsley, and watermelon. Include grains as brown rice, buckwheat, millet, and oats.
What Should Diet Avoid?
Diet should be strict salt free. Read labels carefully and avoid those food products that have salt, sodium, soda, or the symbol Na. Avoid monosodium glutamate (MSG), baking soda, canned vegetables (unless marked sodium or salt free), commercially prepared foods, over the counter medication that contains ibuprofen, diet soft drinks, preservatives, sugar substitute, meat tenderizes, softened water, and soy sauce.
What Natural Remedies help?
Although natural remedies, like garlic have been used for centuries in controlling high blood pressure, they are not without their dangers and side effects. Consult a health care professional before using herbal remedies as treatment.
These are temporary solutions. The problem will still be there when you wake up the next day, if the underlying root cause is not addressed.