In our 5 day challenge you meditate on good thoughts and only good thoughts for 5 days. ​
For a successful meditation session, you come as you are. Not trying to force anything. Your mind will become full of only good thoughts ​as you continually redirect your thoughts to the good. You will let go of false perception and limitations as you make good thoughts a habit. The change will happen automatically.
Your personal belief in false perceptions, limitations, or good thoughts, this becomes your inner experience. And your experience shapes your attitude and your health. This thought process when becomes a habit works to keep you stuck from reaching your potentials, or propel you foreword to higher heights. Our 5 day challenge helps you to start that change. The practice of meditating on good thoughts changes your perception, and thus your health.
Meditation is anything your mind stays on. This good thought process, when becomes a habit, it will be your new personality. One of joy and peace. This also changes your biology at the cellular level, thus changing mind and body. What does that mean?
Your physical body also changes. The conscious, and subconscious mindset holds certain habits that control your physical health. Negative thoughts affect the functions of the cells in your body. So, positive thoughts improves them.
In our program you learn the skills to experience restoration of good in mind and body. You can chose which experience to manifest. Being mindful of only the good empowers you to change.
In this program you will learn how to be aware of self, how to separate self from past negative experiences. Once you have made the firm decision to change, you gain power over your past experiences.
Becoming aware of self, and practicing staying in this state of mind transforms your health, personality, and ultimately your life. The benefits of truly living the good life. So does the people who interacts with you. Your relationships benefit from your uplifting attitude. You will also affect change in the areas supported by your stress type. Check out the Stress-Type guide to identify the areas in you that needs change. Are you ready to begin?